
This wikipage aims to list all of the commands available on the server for easy access. If there are any missing commands let us know and we will add them!

General Commands



Teleport to spawn.


View official server warps.


View player-made warps.


View queued boosters.


View your artifact booster.


View your cosmetics.


View a list of in-game ranks.


View a list of store ranks.


Select a new chat title.


View the quests menu.

/sethome (name)

Set a home you can return to at any time.

/home (home)

Teleport to a previously set home.


List all of your homes.

/msg (name)

Private message another player.


Reply to a private message from another player.


Randomly teleport to a location in the world.

/ignore (name)

Ignore another player, preventing them from messaging you.

/tpa (name)

Request to teleport to another player.


View your total playtime.


Join the server's Discord.


Vote for the server and earn rewards.


Unlock cool perks.


Read the server rules.


View timer on your keep inventory status.


Learn how to create in-game elevators.


View and summon your pets.


View and summon your mounts.


View and equip your guild skills.


View your jobs and their levels.


View the highest leveled players in jobs.

Economy Commands


/crowns pay (name)

Send crowns to another player. Only usable in Spawn.


View your money balance.

/pay (name)

Send money to another player


Visit the forging station.


View the jobs menu.


Open the vanilla shop.


View player shop commands.


Visit the auction house.

Auction Commands

These only work in spawn.


/ah help

Displays a list of commands in-game.

/ah sell <price> [currency] [amount]

Sell the item in your hand.

/ah bid <price>

Bid an item.

/ah cancel [id]

Cancel your auctioned item.

/ah collect

Collect cancelled & expired items.

/ah amount

Check how many auctions you have.

Player Chest Shop Commands


/qs buy

Shop under crosshairs becomes a buying shop.

/qs sell

Shop under crosshairs becomes a selling shop.

/qs price <price>

Shop under crosshairs now buys/sells at the specified price.

/qs find <item>

Find the nearest shop selling the specified item.

/qs remove

Remove the shop under crosshairs.

/qs toggledisplay

Toggle the display of the item above the chest.

/qs supercreate

Create a shop for custom item consumables such as Artifact Caches.

/qs help

View additional commands in-game.

Jobs Commands


/jobs gtop, /jobs top

Displays the global toplist in in chat.

/jobs info (jobName)

Displays information about the given job.

/jobs info (jobName) (action)

Displays information about the given job with the specified action type.

/jobs join (jobName)

Joins to the given job.

/jobs bonus (jobName)

Displays the currently available bonuses for the given job.

/jobs browse

Displays all the available jobs .

/jobs clearownership, /jobs clearownership (player)

Clears registered ownership, like furnaces, brewing stands

/jobs itembonus

Displays the item bonuses that you hold currently.

/jobs leave (jobName), /jobs leaveall

Leaves the specified job or all jobs.

/jobs limit (playerName)

Prints the money limit.

/jobs stats, /jobs stats (playerName)

Prints the player’s job statistics or the given player’s job statistics.

/jobs toggle (bossbar/actionbar)

Toggles where you want jobs information to appear, such as money earned. Action bar is default.

In-game Rank Commands



View the in-game FAQ.

/mail (player)

Send mail to another player.

/mail list

See your received mails.

/mail clear

Clear received mails.

/recipe (item)

View crafting recipe of an item.


Sit on the floor.


Go prone into a crawling position.


Learn how to make elevators.


Open your backpack.


See nearby players.


See when someone was last online (per world).

/pw set

Set a player warp (see Player Warp Commands for more).


Flop onto your belly.


Spin around.


Lay on your back.


Condense items.


Uncondense items.


Enable god mode.


Enable flight.


View ascended ranks.

Store Rank Commands



Enable flight.


Request someone to teleport to you.


See nearby players.


Clear your inventory (has a confirmation).


See the emoji list to use.


Enable night vision.


Open virtual crafting table.


Feed your hunger.

/pw set

Set a warp.

/pw delete

Remove a warp.

/pw help

See all player warp commands.


Open a trashcan to dispose of items.


Open an itemfilter to filter item pickup/drops.

/itemfilter add (item)

Add an item to the filter.

/itemfilter hand

Add the item in your hand to the filter.


Extinguish yourself.


Heal yourself to maximum health.

/ptime (freeze/unfreeze/day/night/dusk/morning/realtime/reset)

Set your personal time (day, dusk, night, 6AM, etc).

pweather [sun/rain/reset]

Set your personal weather (clear, sun, rain, etc).


Stack items including those unstackable in vanilla.


Change your nickname and name color.

/repair hand

Repair the item in your hand.


Condense items.


Uncondense items.


Select more than 1000+ different hex colors.


Open a virtual anvil.


Open a virtual cartography table.


Open a virtual grindstone.


Open a virtual loom.


Open a virtual stonecutter.


Open a virtual furnace.


Open a virtual blast furnace.


Open a virtual smoker.


Open a virtual enchanting table.


Enable god mode.

/glow (color)

Make yourself glowy.

/glow [true/false/color/gui]

Glow options.


Solve any equation.

/repair all

Repair all items in your inventory.


Shoot off fireworks.

/sell hand

Sell the item in your hand.

/sell all

Sell all items in your inventory.

/sell handall

Sell all items with the type in your hand.


Ride another player or entity.


Showcase the item in your hand in chat.


Teleport up on a block - easy for building in the air.


Go to the top block.


Descend a level below.


Modify itemframes.

/itemframe invisible

Make an itemframe invisible.


Open a virtual enderchest.


Get your own head.


Edit books.

/book unlock

Unlock a book.


Dye an item.

/dye (red,green,blue/hexCode/colorName/random/clear/rainbow/day/biome/health)

Dye an item.

/dye rainbow

Dye an item into rainbow shifting colors.

/dye health

Dye an item into reflecting your current hp in colors.

/dye biome

Dye an item to reflect your current biome in colors.


Lay down on your back.


Crawl around.


Flop down on your stomach.


Spin around.


Sort chests automatically with many options.


Create map art in seconds.


Items go into your inventory automatically.


Items are automatically condensed.


Modify your fly speed.

/disguise (entity)

Disguise into an entity.


Open up the armorstand editor for many possibilities - even creating text holograms!


Return to previous location or death location.

Town Commands

/town helpView the list of town commands

/town create

Create a town

/town about

View information about a town

/town list

View a list of towns

/town invite

Invite someone to your town

/town claim

Claim a chunk

/town unclaim

Remove a claim

/town autoclaim

Toggle auto-claiming chunks as you walk

/town map

View a map of nearby town claims

/town promote

Promote a member up the role hierarchy

/town demote

Demote a member down the role hierarchy

/town evict

Evict a member from the town

/town leave

Leave the town

/town farm

Make a claim into a town farm

/town plot

Make a claim into a plot and manage it

/town rules

Edit the town rules

/town deposit

Deposit into the town coffers

/town withdraw

Withdraw from the town coffers

/town level

Pay to level-up the town

/town bio

Edit the town bio

/town greeting

Edit the town greeting message

/town farewell

Edit the town farewell message

/town color

Edit the town color

/town rename

Rename the town

/town spawn

Teleport to a town spawn

/town setspawn

Set the town spawn

/town clearspawn

Clear the town spawn

/town privacy

Edit the privacy of the town spawn

/town chat

Send a message to the town chat

/town player

View which town a player is a member of

/town deeds

View a list of town claims on this server

/town census

View a list of town members and their roles

/town log

View the town audit log

/town transfer

Transfer ownership of the town to someone

/town disband

Delete the town

Container Commands



/lock [type]

Lock something. Optionally provide a protection type (defaults to private).



Unlock something.


/bolt edit (add|remove) <player>

Edit a protection to add or remove a player's access.


/bolt modify (add|remove) <access> <source-type> <sources...>

Add or remove sources with given access to a protection's access list (ACL).


/bolt group (create|delete|add|remove|list) <group> [players...]

Manage custom player groups, which can be used in access lists (ACLs).


/bolt trust (add|remove) <source-type> <source> [access]

Prompt, list, or confirm changes to your trust access list.


/bolt transfer <player>

Transfer a protection that you own to another player.


/bolt password <password>

Enter a password for a protection that has a password source added.


/bolt mode <mode>

Toggle a player mode. For example: persist, no lock, no spam.


/bolt help [command]

Displays help.


/bolt info

Display protection information.

Player Warp Commands

These commands unlock at Erebus+.

/pw helpView the in-game command list

/pw set (warpname)

Create a player warp at your current location.

/pw remove (warpname)

Remove one of your player warps.

/pw desc (set/remove) (warpname) (description)

Set a description for one of your warps.

/pw list

List all your player warps.

/pw icon (set/remove)

Set an icon for your player warps.

/pw category (warp) (category)

Change your player warp into another category.

/pw rate (warp)

Rate a player warp from 1-5.

/pw lock (warp)

Lock your player warp to prevent others from using it.

/pw reset (warp)

Re-set your player warp to your current location.

/pw rename (warp)

Rename your player warp.

/pw setowner (warp) (player)

Set a new owner of your player warp.

/pw password (set/remove) (warp) (password)

Set or remove a password on your warp.


Brings up the player warps list menu.

Friend Commands


/f [requests | settings | status | <player>]

Opens the menu.

/friend help

Show all commands.

/friend add [player]

Add a friend.

/friend remove [player]

Remove a friend.

/friend accept [all/player]

Accept a friend request.

/friend deny [all/player]

Deny a friend request.

/friend list [page]

List all friends.

/friend requests [page]

Show open friend requestsfriend.

/friend jump [player]

Jump to friend's world.

/friend toggleinvites

Turn friend requests on/off.

/friend togglemsgs

Turn private messages on/off.

/friend togglejump

Turn jumping to your server on/off.

/friend togglenotifies

Turn join/leave messages on/off.

/friend status [player]

Set your status.

/friend favourite [player]

Mark / unmark a friend as favourite.

Messaging Commands


/msg [player] [message]

Send a message to another player.

/r [message]

Reply to a message.

/p [message]

Send a message in party chat.


Toggle town chat.


Toggle global chat.

Party Commands


/party invite [player]

Invite a player to your party.

/party accept [player]

Accept a party invitation.

/party deny [player]

Decline a party invitation.

/party kick [player]

Kick a player from your party.

/party list

List all players in the party.

/party leave

Leave your party.

/party jump

Jump to the world of the leader.

/party promote [player]

Promote a player.

/party demote [player]

Demote a player.

/p [message]

Send a message in the party chat.

Last updated